
General Requirements

All applicants to Carver must present satisfactory evidence that they have been born again and can demonstrate a measure of spiritual maturity. Applicants are required to have a high school diploma with at least a 2.0 grade point average or equivalent qualifications. Applicants are assessed for admittance based on their academic background, moral character, and their personal testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. The Admissions Committee evaluates the applicant’s academic record, recommendations, and personal information. Unconditional admission is granted if applicants meet the College’s general entrance criteria.

Transfer Students

Transfer students are admitted for the fall and spring semesters. Students wishing to transfer must meet all of Carver’s general entrance requirements, in addition to being in good academic standing with their most recently attended educational institution. Transfer students must request that all official transcripts be sent to Carver from previously attended colleges.

New Student Orientation

All new students must attend Carver’s New Student Orientation. The orientation provides important information related to student activities, academics, and the required entrance exam. Students who miss the entrance exam must schedule an interview with the Dean of Students.

Audit Student

Students desiring to audit a course must complete an application for admission, their testimony, and the $35.00 application fee. The fee for auditing a class is one-half the normal tuition rate per credit hour. Auditing students attend the regular classes offered by the College without handing in papers or taking quizzes or tests. Students auditing a class will not be given grades and their attendance will not be checked. A student may not change to credit-bearing status after the last day to enter a course for credit has passed, even if the student has been regularly attending the class. “AU” will appear on the student’s transcript (rather than a grade) for any classes which have been audited.

Add/Drop Procedure

Students are encouraged to check the accuracy of their course selections before registering. A student may enroll in (“add”) or withdraw from (“drop”) a course during the first three weeks of the semester by completing the appropriate form in the Registrar’s Office. After completion of the appropriate information and signatures, the form is returned by the student to the Registrar’s Office. A student is to continue in class attendance until the withdrawal is processed by the Registrar. All registrations must be finalized by the third week of the semester; courses may not be added afterward unless special approval is granted. (Also see the Tuition Refund Policy)


All students must register in person during the scheduled registration times. Registration fees and outstanding tuition balances must be paid before students are permitted to attend class. >> more info

Notification of Acceptance

Carver’s Admission Committee evaluates an application for admission after it has received all required documents and then notifies the candidate of its decision by the notification deadline. Accepted applicants are sent an invitation to enroll by a specified date.

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